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We'Moon (Spiral) Datebook 2025
Growing Edge

CDN Retail: $34.50
Product Code: 9781942775508
Author: Mother Tongue
Vendor: Mother Tongue Ink



We'Moon 2025: Growing Edgedraws inspiration from the ripening glow of the Waxing Gibbous Moon. Here she is, on the cusp of completion, but she has work to do yet - as do we all - navigating toward the glory of fullness. Be prepared to weep. Be prepared to rejoice. May the momentum of the Growing Edge bring you joy and light your way on the journeys ahead!

We'Moon 2025 features spirited art and insightful articles, poetry and prose from more than 120 creative women. The 13 moons of our lunar year are arranged in a week-at-a-glance format with daily astrological aspects, moon phases and signs. In addition, we include astrological insights for each sun sign and a sacred recognition of each of the eight seasonal Holy Days.; month & year-at-a-glance calendars; and a complete ephemeris table for the year.

  • Printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink
  • 240 pages in full color
  • 8 in x 5.25 in.
